SAVE THE DATE: The Second Drone Challenge at the Digital Futures Drone Arena, May 16-17, 2023
SAVE THE DATE for the Second Drone Challenge at the Digital Futures Drone Arena, a one-of-a-kind interactive event with aerial drone technology! This year, the challenge is focused on moving together with drones in beautiful, curious, and provocative ways. You don’t...

Nordic Perspectives on Algorithmic Systems: A Card Box
Nordic Perspectives on Algorithmic Systems: Concepts, Methods, and Interventions was a series of three workshops, situated in the emerging area of critical algorithm studies. The workshops were geared to develop a Nordic perspective to the social study of algorithms,...

New book: The Trouble with Sharing
We are happy to announce Airi Lampinen's new book: The Trouble With Sharing: Interpersonal Challenges in Peer-to-Peer Exchange! Peer-to-peer exchange is a type of sharing that involves the transfer of valued resources, such as goods and services, among members of a...

New project funded: AI in motion
Barry has just obtain new funding of 6 million sek for a project from WASP-HS, an initiative for research in humanities and social science in AI and autonomous systems funded by the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation. The grant is for work on Autonomous...
Workshop at CSCW 2020: Reconsidering Scale and Scaling in CSCW Research
Together with several colleagues from the Sharing and Caring COST Action and beyond, Airi Lampinen is looking for participations to a workshop that invites discussion on the various socio-technical processes and dynamics that characterise scale and scaling in local,...

Two workshops accepted at NordiCHI
We are happy to share that we have two workshops accepted at NordiCHI 2020

Accepted paper at CUI 2020
We have a paper accepted at Conversational User Interfaces, CUI 2020 Conversational User Interfaces on Mobile Devices: Survey, authored by Razan Jaber and Donald McMillan, presents a survey of mobile conversation user interface research since the commercial deployment...

Doctoral thesis, Moira McGregor
Congratulations to Moira for successfully defending her PhD thesis: Social Order of the Co-Located Mobile Phone: Practices of collaborative mobile phone use This thesis examines mundane practices of everyday phone use to make conceptual, empirical, and methodological...